Group Policy Preferences For Different Versions Of Internet Explorer In the Same Policy

So, you’re managing a Windows estate and you’re in the process of updating Internet Explorer versions that you’ve managed via Group Policy. At some point you’re going to have multiple versions of Internet Explorer out in the wild and need to manage the settings for them both. As you should know by now, Internet Explorer maintenance settings have been deprecated in favour of Group Policy preferences.

The first thing to note is that even if you download the Group Policy templates for IE11 and install them correctly, you wont see an option for IE11, just IE10 and earlier.

IE Group Policy

Not to worry though, IE10 settings will apply just fine to IE11 and that is the desired behaviour. So, now you know how to configure settings for IE11, you might wonder how preferences for different versions of IE in the same policy would interact on the client machine. Well in the setup I looked at this had previously been done using item level targeting, which is in the common tab of the policy;

IE Item Level Targeting

The targeting was looking into the registry and checking for specific version strings which would only have the policy apply where the registry strings matched what was being checked;

IE Item Level Targeting Registry Setting

Now, while the above method would work it’s unnecessary. When you create a new setting within the policy, you’ll see some Item-level targeting is already put in place by Microsoft to ensure the settings only get applied to the right version IE on the client. The version of the IExplore.exe process running on the client machine is checked and then that is used to determine which IE settings to deploy from the GPO. So in my environment, as you can see below the settings would only apply to specific IE versions;

IE Version Filters

The XML file already contains all it needs to look for specific versions of IE, and as a result the various policies can co-exist with each other.

In short, the item level targeting is done for you, no need to add any more targeting unless you need to filter things down further.

Unable to connect via RDP to a Server 2003 R2 server

I came across a problem today with a rather aged Server 2003 R2 server. I rebooted it as part of some troubleshooting, and after the reboot found I was unable to connect to the server via RDP. So, I jumped on the VM console to check various things, the Terminal Services service was started, but I did force a stop of this and start it again. Checked over the registry to ensure the listening port hadn’t been changed for any reason. Checked the terminal services configuration to ensure the connection wasn’t disabled and there were no strange limits imposed on the connection, but all looked normal. I did try disabling and re-enabling the connection, but still no luck. When I did a netstat -ao and looked for anything listening on 3389, there was nothing at all listening, no Terminal Services or any conflicting service was listening on port 3389.

In the end, after a bit of a search on Google and a bit of checking, one suggestion mentioned was to re-register the Terminal Services DLL. So using the following command regsvr32 remotepg.dll I tried this and the registration failed. Tried to un-register it first with regsvr32 /u remotepg.dll but again this failed. So, I came to the conclusion there might be a problem with the DLL. So, I copied the DLL from another working machine, un-registered and re-registered the DLL again, which succeeded this time round. Then after a reboot, I was hopeful, but still no joy. Final, checking the Terminal Services configuration again I noticed that now the connection was disabled, right clicking and going to All Tasks and enabling the connection, I was then able to connect via RDP. Success

WordPress Permalinks & mod_rewrite in lighttpd

After switching to lighttpd away from Apache I was pretty pleased with the whole process, everything seemed to be working fine, with the exception of my permalink structure. Bad news, however this can be fixed;

In your lighttpd.conf or 10-rewrite.conf enable mod_rewrite and paste the following code (you will obviously need to edit the $HTTP[“host”] portion):

$HTTP["host"] =~ "" {
url.rewrite-final = (
# Exclude common directories
"^/(wp-admin|wp-includes|wp-content)/(.*)" => "$0",
# Exclude root php files
"^/(.*.php)" => "$0",
# Handle permalinks and feeds
"^/(.*)$" => "/index.php/$1"

These three rules should cover every plugin and bit of functionality within the system. If you have other folders which you will need to access without any redirection (images in a separate folder etc), you have to add these names to the first rule, separated by the | characters.

Now go to Settings-> Permalinks, change Common Settings to Custom Structure and enter what you wish it to look like.

Basically, once mod_rewrite is enabled on the lighttpd server, which is done by adding the following line to the lighttpd.conf file;

server.modules += ("mod_rewrite")

This should work for you too.

OnePlus One SMS Message Centre Settings Location

Today I found I needed to check my SMS message centre settings on my OnePlus One, but wasn’t able to find the option anywhere in the standard settings.

The solution was to use the phone dialer, enter *#*#4636#*#* and then this takes you through to a testing information screen with various information menus. Under the “Phone Info” menu, down the bottom of the page, you should see the SMS Message Centre options, labelled “SMSC”.

From here you can update the settings and refresh them if you ever have any issues sending SMS messages. Obviously the specific number to enter will depend on your mobile operator.

Force Password Check With PDC When Login Failure Occurs

I didn’t even know this setting existed as an option within Group Policy, but then again, Group Policy is a bit of a beast at the best of times.

So, the PDC emulator is responsible in the domain for handling password replication to other domain controllers, a password change occurs on the PDC and this is then replicated out to all other domian controllers. But what if you have a large infrastructure and the password change hasn’t replicated out yet to the domain controller being used by a client to authenticate? Well there’s a policy setting you can apply to your domain controllers, that forces them to check with the PDC in the event they deny a logon request due to a bad password. The setting is called “Contact PDC on logon failure” and it is briefly detailed on TechNet, and within the Group Policy editor, lives at the below location;

Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System\NetLogon

Use with caution though, if used on domain controllers on slow WAN links, this will create a lot of traffic to the PDC, and in general it can create a lot of load on the PDC in large environments.

Windows 8 SMBv2 Incorrectly Cached Data From A Server 2008 R2 File Share

I had never noticed this problem when using Windows 7, but since upgrading to Windows 8 I’d seen frequent caching problems from a Windows Server 2008 R2 share. Both mapped drives and UNC paths showed the same out of date cached information, which seemed different to a lot of reports I’d read online that seemed to centre around mapped drives having the problem but not UNC paths. On my server offline files were disabled and the share was set to never be available offline on the server. A reboot provided a temporary workaround, but I needed a more permanent solution.

So after some investigation I started to get the idea that this might be related to caching when SMBv2 was negotiated and used between the client and server. After some further investigation I came across an article on TechNet which pointed to disabling the cache settings within SMBv2 on the client machine.

So adding three DWords to the registry and setting them to 0;


Add them to the key below;

After these had been added in a reboot was not required, and the caching issue was sorted.

Using Full DVD/CD Writing Capabilities in a Hyper-V VM

See the note at the end of the post before implementing this
Normally when you pass an optical drive through from the hyper-v server to the guest OS in a VM it can act as a read only device, even if it has writing capabilities.  This is a limitation of Hyper-V.

However this can be worked around using iSCSI.  Microsoft now make available their own iSCSI target software, but unless I’m mistaken that cannot share optical drives.  Alcohol 52% Free Edition contains the ability to setup an iSCSI target device which you can then connect to from Windows 7 and will handle optical drives.

Alcohol 52%

Install Alcohol 52% on the host OS, ignoring all the crapware and reboot as required.  Then start the application and look down to the bottom towards the list of drives.  Right click on the drive you wish to share and click sharing;

Then highlight the drive and click the new share button.

Give the share a name and highlight “share read” and “share write” then click ok

Back on the sharing window go to the options tab, enter a username and password and make sure the service is started and the startup type is automatic, this will ensure it still runs after a reboot.

Finally click ok and this completes the section on the host OS.

On the guest OS under Administrative Tools start the iSCSI initiator.  Under the discovery tab click discover portal and enter the IP address of the host OS, leaving the port the same and click ok.

Then head back to the targets tab and click refresh.  The iSCSI device setup should show, highlight it and click connect.  Then on the next window click ok, leaving the details the same.

Finally the iSCSI device should show connected and if you check your connected drives you should see the device listed in My Computer.

Job done.

Note: I salvaged this from a very old version of my blog, I know it applies to Hyper-V in Windows Server 2008 R2, but I’ve not tested this on any versions of Server 2012. This will work if you’re in a pinch and need it, but I couldn’t really suggest this for use in a production environment